Friday, March 2, 2007

ABC Realizes Commercials Funnier Than Shows, Goes With Flow

According to Variety and, the Geico cavemen are getting their own show. You may remember them from the following masturpieces (sp?):

Written by the same guy who wrote the commercials, the show's going to revolve around three thirtysomething cavemen living in modern Atlanta (?). Personally, I think the concept has already jumped the shark gone the way of the gecko, but if they're gonna do a show, they'd better at least get the original actors. The reaction shots are pretty much all they have going for them.

Other people I'd like to see get their own TV show:

The dude from the Amped Mobile commercial.

The project will follow a disgruntled Executive Assistant as he tries to make it as a rap star. Working title: "Hi!"

The asian chick from the Quizno's commercial.

Okay, so this one's going to be more of an "adult film" than a TV show. "Asian Chicks Need Meat" begins principal photography April 17th in Chatsworth, co-starring Michelle Maylene and Lex Steele.

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